Mystery Dog Illnesses?

Vomiting, coughing, fevers and colds ~

What’s the real problem?

These are all things we have been taught to STOP!

And put a STOP to them indeed we do.  

From pills to sprays to nose and cough drops to bright colored liquids with cool names like “Nyquil.”  

Oh, the mad things we have been taught to do.

BUT did you know when you STOP a fever, vomiting, coughing, or a cold that doing so goes against what the body is trying to do?

Let’s dig into it a bit ~

VOMITING is typically the body’s attempt to remove something harmful. 

So, if the body is trying to remove something harmful, does it make sense to take something and put a stop to this process?

COUGHING is another way the body attempts to try to remove harmful wastes.   

So, if the body is coughing trying to remove harmful wastes, should we put a stop to it?

FEVERS, another terrific attempt where the body increases temperature so the body can use the skin to remove built-up harmful wastes.  

A fever is a natural response by the body to increase elimination, which is vital to getting well.

COLDS, did you know are not something that are “caught?”  

Before the body has “cold” symptoms there are concentrations of poisons in the body that have reached a level too high for the body’s 1st & 2nd lines of defenses (kidneys and liver) to strain them out.  

So, the body then calls in the 3rd line of defense ~ the thyroid.  

If the thyroid must tackle the job, then all of the body’s mucous membranes that are under the influence of the thyroid (nose, sinuses, throat, nasopharynx and lungs) can become inflamed.  

We’ve been taught germs are to blame, however, germs are merely scavengers that eat up wastes and dead cells following inflammation.

What a light bulb moment it is to realize these symptoms (although uncomfortable) are ways the body does all it can to repair and heal itself.

Yup! Your dog and cat’s body is always doing all it can to keep itself well and alive!

If your dog or cat has any of these symptoms, we’ve found it’s best to work with the body rather than go against what the body is trying to do.


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