Sooo how much is this gonna cost?

We get it! That was one of the BIGGEST questions we had too before we got started.

First a few things to think about.…

How much is it worth to have your dog/cat happy, full of energy and living a PAWriffic life without any health problems?

Barbara & Zeus

I want to thank you for all your help with Zeus.

He has made an amazing recovery. Couldn't have done it without you.

He is so happy and playful.

He is 6 months old now and weighs 30 lbs. His fur is really soft.

When I tell my story to people and show them before and after videos of him, they are so intrigued and are in awe of what a difference using your technique has done for him.

How much is it worth to release the anxiety, stress and worry you and your dog/cat are feeling now?

Lil’ Conner

After so much stress and so much worry I am happy to say, still no seizures to report after approximately 2 months! 

I am so amazed. What a drastic change. 

I was within a few months of having to put him down because I couldn't control his seizures. 

I was just at my limits. I feel like you saved his life. 

He probably would not be here if it wasn't for you.

Thank you for giving him a chance to live!"

How much time and money have you likely already spent “trying” to help your sick dog/cat?

John & Rosie

We met with many different vets over the years and spent a lot of money before finding you. 

Working with you has been absolutely amazing! 

My only regret is that we didn’t find you sooner than we did.

So how much does it cost to have uS help YOU and your dog/cat?

The Price of the Super Whole Food Supplements

Plus Taxes & Shipping for 1st order

That’s Right! That’s It!

Nanette & Rosco

“I had to read that twice because I can’t believe how much you offer here.

That it is absolutely soooo generous of you and elicited a deep sense of gratitude.”

These are complete,

super whole food supplements

your dog/cat’s body can easily

recognize and utilize, NOT fake

chemicals and ingredients.

We will share more about these complete, super whole food supplements when we connect with you.

We take these whole, superfood supplements ourselves. 

They play a HUGE part into what makes our approach such a PAWriffic success.

You and your dog/cat will be getting the best of both worlds!

PAWriffic high-quality complete, super whole foods that support, strengthen and speed healing


PAWriffic ongoing full support 24/7 for F-R-E-E.

It’s important to us to provide ongoing support to you and your dog/cat because we want them to achieve PAWriffic health.

Lisa, Jeff & Daisy

Daisy has returned to life from near death. 

You have been so supportive answering all my questions and encouraging me to be patient and not to give up. 

Now the end of March 2014 she is almost back to her normal self and enjoys food and daily walks.


Our approach is 100% risk-free with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

There is always a way to get the things in life we really want.

Know That!

Trust that!

Be open to make whatever moves are necessary

And guess what?

It can and will happen.

Join US!

Ready to jump in and have us show you the way to PAWriffic Health?